C++ to UML diagram generator based on Clang
No Matches
t00086 - Objective-C nested structs and enums test case


type: class
- t00086.m
- .

Source code

File tests/t00086/t00086.m

#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>
@interface t00086_a : NSObject <NSCopying, NSMutableCopying> {
enum Color { Red, Green, Blue };
struct Nested {
int _n;
struct {
NSUInteger _one : 1;
NSUInteger _two : 1;
NSUInteger _reserved : 30;
} _flagSet;
union {
struct {
char *_foo;
} _foo;
struct {
void *_bar1;
enum Color _bar2;
} _bar;
} _data;
struct Nested *_nested;

Generated PlantUML diagrams

Generated Mermaid diagrams

Generated JSON models

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"members": [
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"type": "aggregation"

Generated GraphML models

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