C++ to UML diagram generator based on Clang
No Matches
t30015 - C++20 modules package diagram test with partition dependencies


type: package
- t30015.cc
package_type: module
- t30015
using_module: t30015

Source code

File tests/t30015/t30015.cc

import t30015.app;
namespace clanguml {
namespace t30015 {

File tests/t30015/src/mod7.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod7;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CG { };

File tests/t30015/src/mod11.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod11;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CK { };

File tests/t30015/src/mod17.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod17;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CR { };

File tests/t30015/src/mod16.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod16;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CP { };

File tests/t30015/src/mod10.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod10;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CJ { };

File tests/t30015/src/mod4.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod4;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CD { };

File tests/t30015/src/mod1.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod1;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CA { };

File tests/t30015/src/app.cppm

#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
export module t30015.app;
import t30015.lib1;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
class CBA : public CF {
CA *ca_;
CB<int> cb_;
std::shared_ptr<CC> cc_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<CD>> *cd_;
std::array<CO, 5> co_;
static CP *cp_;
CBA() = default;
CBA(CN *cn) { }
friend CR;
template <typename... Item> CBA(std::tuple<Item...> &items) { }
void ce(const std::vector<CE> /*ce_*/) { }
std::shared_ptr<CG> cg() { return {}; }
template <typename T> void ch(std::map<T, std::shared_ptr<CH>> &ch_) { }
template <typename T> std::map<T, std::shared_ptr<CI>> ci(T * /*t*/)
return {};
S s;
void cj(std::unique_ptr<CJ> /*cj_*/) { }
std::unique_ptr<CK> ck() { return {}; }
template <typename T> void cl(std::map<T, std::shared_ptr<CL>> & /*ch_*/) { }
template <typename T> std::map<T, std::shared_ptr<CM>> cm() { return {}; }
} // namespace clanguml::t30013

File tests/t30015/src/mod13.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod13;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CM { };

File tests/t30015/src/mod9.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod9;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CI { };

File tests/t30015/src/mod5.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod5;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CE { };

File tests/t30015/src/mod18.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod18;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
enum class S { s1, s2, s3 };

File tests/t30015/src/mod2.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod2;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
template <typename T> struct CB {
T cb;

File tests/t30015/src/mod14.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod14;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CN { };

File tests/t30015/src/mod12.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod12;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CL { };

File tests/t30015/src/mod6.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod6;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CF { };

File tests/t30015/src/mod8.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod8;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CH { };

File tests/t30015/src/mod3.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod3;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CC { };

File tests/t30015/src/lib1.cppm

export module t30015.lib1;
export import :mod1;
export import :mod2;
export import :mod3;
export import :mod4;
export import :mod5;
export import :mod6;
export import :mod7;
export import :mod8;
export import :mod9;
export import :mod10;
export import :mod11;
export import :mod12;
export import :mod13;
export import :mod14;
export import :mod15;
export import :mod16;
export import :mod17;
export import :mod18;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {

File tests/t30015/src/mod15.cppm

export module t30015.lib1:mod15;
export namespace clanguml::t30015 {
struct CO { };

Generated PlantUML diagrams

Generated Mermaid diagrams

Generated JSON models

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"line": 4,
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"type": "module"
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"is_deprecated": false,
"name": ":mod5",
"namespace": "t30015.lib1",
"source_location": {
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"name": ":mod6",
"namespace": "t30015.lib1",
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