C++ to UML diagram generator based on Clang
No Matches
Generating class diagrams

The minimal config required to generate a class diagram is presented below:

# Path to the directory where `compile_commands.json` can be found
compilation_database_dir: _build
# Output directory for the diagrams
output_directory: diagrams
# Diagrams definitions
# Diagram name
# Type of diagram (has to be `class`)
type: class
# Include only translation units matching the following patterns
- src/*.cc
# Render all names in the diagram relative to specific namespace
using_namespace: ns1
# Include only classes from specific namespace
- ns1::ns2

Classes and their properties

The basic class diagram generated by clang-uml and rendered using PlantUML looks like this:

Member types and method return types are rendered at the end after : sign.

Static methods and members are underlined.

In case method argument lists are too long and not required for diagram readability, they can be suppressed completely or abbreviated by setting generate_method_arguments option to either none, abbreviated or full (default).

Excluding private or protected members from the diagram

In order to only include public members in the class diagrams, we can add the following inclusion filters:

- public

To render only classes without any properties an exclusion filter can be added:

- public
- protected
- private


The following table presents the PlantUML and MermaidJS arrows representing each type of relationship generated in the class diagrams.

UML PlantUML MermaidJS
Template specialization/instantiation
Nesting (inner class/enum)

By default, a member from which a relationship has been added to the diagram between 2 classes will also be rendered inside as a property inside the class box. This behaviour can be however disabled by adding the following option to the diagram definition:

include_relations_also_as_members: false

Relationships to classes in containers or smart pointers

clang-uml will automatically detect class members as well as method arguments, which reference or own values of types relevant for a given diagram but wrapped in smart pointers or containers and still generate relationship between these classes, for instance the following code:

class A { };
class B { };
class C { };
class R {
std::unique_ptr<A> a;
std::shared_ptr<B> b;
std::weak_ptr<C> c;

results in the following diagram:

Inheritance diagrams

A common type of class diagram is an inheritance diagram, where only subclasses of a specific base class are included and only the inheritance relationships are rendered. This can be easily achieved in clang-uml through inclusion filters:

- clanguml::t00039::A
- inheritance

Generating UML packages in the diagram

clang-uml supports 3 sources for generating UML packages in a diagram:

  • namespace - default
  • directory - based on relative directory paths within the project source tree
  • module - based on C++20 modules

Currently, a specific diagram can only contain packages of one of the above types.

Namespace packages

By default, clang-uml will render all element names including a namespace (relative to using_namespace property), e.g. ns1::ns2::MyClass. In order to generate packages in the diagram for each namespace instead, the following option must be set to true:

generate_packages: true

which results in the following diagram:

Directory packages

In case the code base is structured based on subdirectories instead of namespaces (or this is a C project, where namespaces are not available), packages can be generated based on the location of a given declaration in the filesystem tree, by adding also the following option:

package_type: directory

which results in the following diagram:

‍In this case make sure that the root path of the configuration file is properly configured for your project, if necessary add relative_to option to denote the root path against which all relative paths in the config file are calculated.

Module packages

Finally, to generate UML packages in the diagram based on C++20 modules, use the following option:

package_type: module

which can produce the following diagram:

Packages from modules support internal module partitions, which are represented by : prefix in the name as well as conventional submodules separated by ..

Module paths can be rendered relative to a specific parent module, to enable this add the following option:

using_module: mod1.mod2

which will render modules relative to mod1.mod2.

For examples of this feature check out the following test cases documentation: t00071 and t00072.

Class context diagram

Sometimes it's helpful to generate a class diagram depicting only direct relationships of a given class, e.g. within the classes' documentation page, this can be easily achieved using context inclusion filter:

- ns1::MyClass

By default, the diagram will include only elements in direct relationship to ns1::MyClass, but an additional option called radius can be added to this filter, which will extend the context to elements related to ns1::MyClass through at most N relationships, e.g:

- match:
radius: 3
pattern: ns1::MyClass

Disabling dependency relationships

Dependency relationships are inferred whenever a class uses another class, thus often dependency relationship will be rendered in addition to other relationships such as association or inheritance. By default, clang-uml will remove these redundant dependency relationships, however if it is necessary to retain them it can be done using the following option:

skip_redundant_dependencies: false

In many cases, dependency relationships between classes can clutter the diagram too much. In such cases, it might be useful to disable dependency relationships completely for this diagram using the following exclusion filter:

- dependency

It is also possible to only disable dependency relationships generated from template arguments to other templates. By default, the following code:

class A {};
class B {
std::vector<A> a;

will generate a dependency from B to A in addition to aggregation relationship. This can be disabled by specifying the following option:

generate_template_argument_dependencies: false