C++ to UML diagram generator based on Clang
No Matches
Comment decorators

clang-uml provides a set of in-comment directives, called decorators, which allow custom control over generation of UML diagrams from C++ and overriding default inference rules for relationships.

clang-uml decorators are specified in the following format:

\uml{<decorator>[:<diagram_name>][<options>] <text>}


@uml{<decorator>[:<diagram_name>][<options>] <text>}

The optional :<diagram_name> suffix will apply this decorator only to a specific diagram.

Currently, the following decorators are supported.


This decorator allows to specify directly in the code comments that should be included in the generated diagrams.

The following code:

/// \uml{note[top] A class note.}
class A {
/// \uml{note[] B class note.}
class B {
/// @uml{note:t00028_class[bottom] C class note.}
/// This is class C.
class C {
/// \uml{note
/// D
/// class
/// note.}
class D {
/// \uml{note E template class note.}
template <typename T> class E {
T param;
/// \uml{note:other_diagram[left] G class note.}
class G {
/// @uml{note[ bottom ] F enum note.}
enum class F { one, two, three };
/// \uml{note[right] R class note.}
class R {
explicit R(C &c)
: ccc(c)
A aaa;
B *bbb;
C &ccc;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<D>> ddd;
E<int> eee;
G **ggg;

results in the following class diagram:

'skip' and 'skiprelationship'

This decorator allows to skip the specific classes or methods from the diagrams, for instance the following code:

class A {
/// \uml{skip}
class B {
template <typename T> class C {
T param;
/// @uml{skip:t00029_class}
template <typename T> class D {
T param;
enum class E { one, two, three };
/// \uml{skip}
enum class F { red, green, blue };
class G1 {
class G2 {
class G3 {
class G4 {
struct R {
G1 g1;
/// \uml{skip}
G2 g2;
/// \uml{skiprelationship}
G3 &g3;
std::shared_ptr<G4> g4;

results in the following diagram:

'composition', 'association' and 'aggregation'

These decorators allow to specify explicitly the type of relationship within a class diagram that should be generated for a given class member. For instance the following code:

class A {
class B {
class C {
class D {
class E {
struct R {
/// @uml{association[]}
A aaa;
/// @uml{composition[0..1:1..*]}
std::vector<B> bbb;
/// @uml{aggregation[0..1:1..5]}
std::vector<C> ccc;
/// @uml{association[:1]}
D ddd;
/// @uml{aggregation[:1]}
E *eee;

results in the following diagram:


This decorator allows to specify in the code specific styles for diagram elements, for instance:

/// @uml{style[#back:lightgreen|yellow;header:blue/red]}
class A {
/// @uml{style[#line.dotted:blue]}
enum B { one, two, three };
/// @uml{style[#pink;line:red;line.bold;text:red]}
template <typename T> class C {
T ttt;
class D {
struct R {
/// @uml{style[#red,dashed,thickness=2]}
A *aaa;
/// @uml{composition}
/// @uml{style[#green,dashed,thickness=4]}
std::vector<B> bbb;
/// @uml{style[#blue,dotted,thickness=8]}
C<int> ccc;
/// @uml{style[#blue,plain,thickness=16]}
D *ddd;

results in the following diagram: