Currently, there are 3 types of diagram generators: plantuml
, mermaid
, graphml
and json
generator does not support sequence diagrams
To specify, which generators should be used on the command line use option -g
. For instance to generate all types of diagrams run clang-uml
as follows:
clang-uml -g plantuml -g mermaid -g json -g graphml
By default, only plantuml
diagrams are generated.
Generates UML diagrams in textual PlantUML format, which can then be converted to various image formats.
In case there is a need for adding custom PlantUML directives to generated diagrams, they can be included directly in the diagram configuration. For example:
- title clang-uml configuration model
- left to right direction
- 'note left of {{ alias("inheritable_diagram_options") }}: Options common to all diagram types.'
- 'note right of {{ alias("config") }}: General options not used by diagrams.'
will add before the diagram contents (right after @startuml
) the title and direction hint, and after each diagram contents (right before @enduml
) 2 notes attached to elements.
This generator also accepts a cmd
parameter to specify a command to execute on the generated PlantUML source file to generate actual diagram image, for instance:
cmd: "/usr/bin/plantuml -tsvg \"diagrams/{}.puml\""
Furthermore, plantuml
generator accepts basic styling options for customizing diagram look and layout, e.g.:
# Apply this style to all classes in the diagram
class: "#aliceblue;line:blue;line.dotted;text:blue"
# Apply this style to all packages in the diagram
package: "#back:grey"
# Make all template instantiation relations point upwards and draw them
# as green and dotted lines
instantiation: "up[#green,dotted]"
An example PlantUML diagram is presented below:
title Basic class diagram example
abstract "A" as C_0007901073918843258388
abstract C_0007901073918843258388 [[{This is class A}]] {
{abstract} +foo_a() = 0 : void [[[{foo_a}]]]
{abstract} +foo_c() = 0 : void [[[{foo_c}]]]
class "B" as C_0004753875669499007606
class C_0004753875669499007606 [[{This is class B}]] {
+foo_a() : void [[[{foo_a}]]]
class "C" as C_0009139995436788700062
class C_0009139995436788700062 [[{This is class C - class C has a long comment}]] {
+foo_c() : void [[[{foo_c}]]]
class "D" as C_0000487603959843317797
class C_0000487603959843317797 [[{D}]] {
+foo_a() : void [[[{foo_a}]]]
+foo_c() : void [[[{foo_c}]]]
-as : std::vector<A *> [[[{as}]]]
class "E" as C_0017903093362471729766
class C_0017903093362471729766 [[{E}]] {
+foo_a() : void [[[{foo_a}]]]
+foo_c() : void [[[{foo_c}]]]
-as : std::vector<A *> [[[{as}]]]
C_0007901073918843258388 <|-- C_0004753875669499007606
C_0007901073918843258388 <|-- C_0009139995436788700062
C_0000487603959843317797 --> C_0007901073918843258388 : -as
C_0004753875669499007606 <|-- C_0000487603959843317797
C_0009139995436788700062 <|-- C_0000487603959843317797
C_0017903093362471729766 --> C_0007901073918843258388 : -as
C_0004753875669499007606 <|-- C_0017903093362471729766
C_0009139995436788700062 <|-- C_0017903093362471729766
note left of C_0007901073918843258388 : This is class A
note top of C_0004753875669499007606 : This is class B
note right of C_0000487603959843317797
This is class D
which is a little like B
and a little like C
end note
The footer at the end is added by default, but can be disabled with --no-metadata
command line option.
This generator, creates UML diagrams in textual MermaidJS format, which can then be used directly in some Markdown renderers (e.g. GitHub) or converted to various image formats using mermaid-cli.
In case there is a need for adding custom MermaidJS directives to generated diagrams, they can be included directly in the diagram configuration. For example:
- direction LR
- 'note for {{ alias("inheritable_diagram_options") }} "Options common to all diagram types."'
- 'note for {{ alias("config") }} "General options not used by diagrams."'
will add a diagram direction hint before the diagram contents (right after diagram type, e.g. classDiagram
), and after each diagram contents 2 notes attached to classes inheritable_diagram_options
and config
This generator also accepts a cmd
parameter to specify a command to execute on the generated MermaidJS source file to generate actual diagram image, for instance:
cmd: "mmdc -i \"diagrams/{}.mmd\" -o \"diagrams/{}_mermaid.svg\""
An example MermaidJS diagram is presented below:
title: Basic class diagram example
class C_0007901073918843258388["A"]
class C_0007901073918843258388 {
+foo_a() : void*
+foo_c() : void*
click C_0007901073918843258388 href "" "This is class A"
class C_0004753875669499007606["B"]
class C_0004753875669499007606 {
+foo_a() : void
click C_0004753875669499007606 href "" "This is class B"
class C_0009139995436788700062["C"]
class C_0009139995436788700062 {
+foo_c() : void
click C_0009139995436788700062 href "" "This is class C - class C has a long comment"
class C_0000487603959843317797["D"]
class C_0000487603959843317797 {
+foo_a() : void
+foo_c() : void
-as : std::vector<A *>
click C_0000487603959843317797 href "" "D"
class C_0017903093362471729766["E"]
class C_0017903093362471729766 {
+foo_a() : void
+foo_c() : void
-as : std::vector<A *>
click C_0017903093362471729766 href "" "E"
C_0007901073918843258388 <|-- C_0004753875669499007606 :
C_0007901073918843258388 <|-- C_0009139995436788700062 :
C_0000487603959843317797 --> C_0007901073918843258388 : -as
C_0004753875669499007606 <|-- C_0000487603959843317797 :
C_0009139995436788700062 <|-- C_0000487603959843317797 :
C_0017903093362471729766 --> C_0007901073918843258388 : -as
C_0004753875669499007606 <|-- C_0017903093362471729766 :
C_0009139995436788700062 <|-- C_0017903093362471729766 :
note for C_0007901073918843258388 "This is class A"
note for C_0004753875669499007606 "This is class B"
note for C_0000487603959843317797 "
This is class D
which is a little like B
and a little like C
This generator outputs a GraphML graph representation of the diagram. Currently, this generator does not include any fields or methods of classes, but only nodes representing their names (qualified or not), templates, etc. It is also limited to class
, package
and include
diagrams only.
The config file can contain a special section in diagram config to attach custom notes to specified nodes in the diagram, e.g.:
- '{% set e=element("A") %}{{ trim(e.comment.brief.0) }}'
- '{% set e=element("clanguml::t00002::B") %}{{ trim(e.comment.brief.0) }}'
- '{% set e=element("D") %}{{ comment("D").text }}'
An example GraphML diagram is presented below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<graphml xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<desc><![CDATA[Basic class diagram example]]></desc>
<key"id" attr.type="string" for="graph" id="gd0" />
<key"diagram_type" attr.type="string" for="graph" id="gd1" />
<key"name" attr.type="string" for="graph" id="gd2" />
<key"using_namespace" attr.type="string" for="graph" id="gd3" />
<key"id" attr.type="string" for="node" id="nd0" />
<key"type" attr.type="string" for="node" id="nd1" />
<key"name" attr.type="string" for="node" id="nd2" />
<key"stereotype" attr.type="string" for="node" id="nd3" />
<key"url" attr.type="string" for="node" id="nd4" />
<key"tooltip" attr.type="string" for="node" id="nd5" />
<key"is_template" attr.type="boolean" for="node" id="nd6" />
<key"type" attr.type="string" for="edge" id="ed0" />
<key"access" attr.type="string" for="edge" id="ed1" />
<key"label" attr.type="string" for="edge" id="ed2" />
<key"url" attr.type="string" for="edge" id="ed3" />
<graph id="g0" edgedefault="directed" parse.nodeids="canonical" parse.edgeids="canonical" parse.order="nodesfirst">
<data key="gd3">clanguml::t00002</data>
<node id="n0">
<data key="nd1">class</data>
<data key="nd2"><![CDATA[A]]></data>
<data key="nd3">abstract</data>
<data key="nd6">false</data>
<data key="nd4"></data>
<data key="nd5">This is class A</data>
<node id="n1">
<data key="nd1">class</data>
<data key="nd2"><![CDATA[B]]></data>
<data key="nd6">false</data>
<data key="nd4"></data>
<data key="nd5">This is class B</data>
<node id="n2">
<data key="nd1">class</data>
<data key="nd2"><![CDATA[C]]></data>
<data key="nd6">false</data>
<data key="nd4"></data>
<data key="nd5">This is class C - class C has a long comment</data>
<node id="n3">
<data key="nd1">class</data>
<data key="nd2"><![CDATA[D]]></data>
<data key="nd6">false</data>
<data key="nd4"></data>
<data key="nd5">D</data>
<node id="n4">
<data key="nd1">class</data>
<data key="nd2"><![CDATA[E]]></data>
<data key="nd6">false</data>
<data key="nd4"></data>
<data key="nd5">E</data>
<node id="n5">
<data key="nd1">note</data>
<data key="nd2"><![CDATA[This is class A]]></data>
<node id="n6">
<data key="nd1">note</data>
<data key="nd2"><![CDATA[This is class B]]></data>
<node id="n7">
<data key="nd1">note</data>
<data key="nd2"><![CDATA[
This is class D
which is a little like B
and a little like C
<edge id="e0" source="n5" target="n0">
<data key="ed0">none</data>
<edge id="e1" source="n6" target="n1">
<data key="ed0">none</data>
<edge id="e2" source="n7" target="n3">
<data key="ed0">none</data>
<edge id="e3" source="n1" target="n0">
<data key="ed0">extension</data>
<data key="ed1">public</data>
<edge id="e4" source="n2" target="n0">
<data key="ed0">extension</data>
<data key="ed1">public</data>
<edge id="e5" source="n3" target="n0">
<data key="ed3"></data>
<data key="ed0">association</data>
<data key="ed2">as</data>
<data key="ed1">private</data>
<edge id="e6" source="n3" target="n1">
<data key="ed0">extension</data>
<data key="ed1">public</data>
<edge id="e7" source="n3" target="n2">
<data key="ed0">extension</data>
<data key="ed1">public</data>
<edge id="e8" source="n4" target="n0">
<data key="ed3"></data>
<data key="ed0">association</data>
<data key="ed2">as</data>
<data key="ed1">private</data>
<edge id="e9" source="n4" target="n1">
<data key="ed0">extension</data>
<data key="ed1">public</data>
<edge id="e10" source="n4" target="n2">
<data key="ed0">extension</data>
<data key="ed1">public</data>
To visualize GraphML, we can use of existing graph tools for instance:
- yED - not open-source but free, supports subgraphs (i.e. packages) and various styles for nodes
- Gephi - free and open source, however does not support subgraphs, only
graphs without packages can be visualized
For example, to visualize the above graph in yED
we need to simply open it and tell yED
how to map clang-uml
's property names (e.g. "url"
) to it's internal properties. We can do this using Properties Mapper dialog accessible through Edit->Properties Mapper...
. The easiest way is to use this property mapping file: clang-uml.cnfx as a starting point, it can be loaded using the following icon:
For each mapping type (i.e. clang-uml (Edge)
and clang-uml (Node)
we have to separately click Apply
button. Finally, we can click on layout button and the diagram is visualized in the yED
like this:
Generates a JSON representation of the intermediate clang-uml
model, which can be used for scripting, integrations as well as analysing the code base or even generating diagrams in other formats.
An equivalent of the above PlantUML diagram in JSON is presented below:
"diagram_type": "class",
"elements": [
"bases": [],
"comment": {
"brief": [
" This is class A\n"
"formatted": "\\brief This is class A",
"paragraph": [
" \n"
"raw": "/// \\brief This is class A",
"text": "\n \n"
"display_name": "A",
"id": "7901073918843258388",
"is_abstract": true,
"is_nested": false,
"is_struct": false,
"is_template": false,
"is_union": false,
"members": [],
"methods": [
"access": "public",
"comment": {
"formatted": "Abstract foo_a",
"paragraph": [
" Abstract foo_a\n"
"raw": "/// Abstract foo_a",
"text": "\n Abstract foo_a\n"
"display_name": "foo_a",
"is_const": false,
"is_consteval": false,
"is_constexpr": false,
"is_constructor": false,
"is_copy_assignment": false,
"is_coroutine": false,
"is_defaulted": false,
"is_deleted": false,
"is_move_assignment": false,
"is_noexcept": false,
"is_operator": false,
"is_pure_virtual": true,
"is_static": false,
"is_virtual": true,
"name": "foo_a",
"parameters": [],
"source_location": {
"column": 18,
"file": "",
"line": 10,
"translation_unit": ""
"template_parameters": [],
"type": "void"
"access": "public",
"comment": {
"formatted": "Abstract foo_c",
"paragraph": [
" Abstract foo_c\n"
"raw": "/// Abstract foo_c",
"text": "\n Abstract foo_c\n"
"display_name": "foo_c",
"is_const": false,
"is_consteval": false,
"is_constexpr": false,
"is_constructor": false,
"is_copy_assignment": false,
"is_coroutine": false,
"is_defaulted": false,
"is_deleted": false,
"is_move_assignment": false,
"is_noexcept": false,
"is_operator": false,
"is_pure_virtual": true,
"is_static": false,
"is_virtual": true,
"name": "foo_c",
"parameters": [],
"source_location": {
"column": 18,
"file": "",
"line": 12,
"translation_unit": ""
"template_parameters": [],
"type": "void"
"name": "A",
"namespace": "clanguml::t00002",
"source_location": {
"column": 7,
"file": "",
"line": 7,
"translation_unit": ""
"template_parameters": [],
"type": "class"
"bases": [
"access": "public",
"id": "7901073918843258388",
"is_virtual": false
"comment": {
"brief": [
" This is class B\n"
"formatted": "\\brief This is class B",
"paragraph": [
" \n"
"raw": "/// \\brief This is class B",
"text": "\n \n"
"display_name": "B",
"id": "4753875669499007606",
"is_abstract": false,
"is_nested": false,
"is_struct": false,
"is_template": false,
"is_union": false,
"members": [],
"methods": [
"access": "public",
"display_name": "foo_a",
"is_const": false,
"is_consteval": false,
"is_constexpr": false,
"is_constructor": false,
"is_copy_assignment": false,
"is_coroutine": false,
"is_defaulted": false,
"is_deleted": false,
"is_move_assignment": false,
"is_noexcept": false,
"is_operator": false,
"is_pure_virtual": false,
"is_static": false,
"is_virtual": true,
"name": "foo_a",
"parameters": [],
"source_location": {
"column": 18,
"file": "",
"line": 18,
"translation_unit": ""
"template_parameters": [],
"type": "void"
"name": "B",
"namespace": "clanguml::t00002",
"source_location": {
"column": 7,
"file": "",
"line": 16,
"translation_unit": ""
"template_parameters": [],
"type": "class"
"bases": [
"access": "public",
"id": "7901073918843258388",
"is_virtual": false
"comment": {
"brief": [
" This is class C - class C has a long comment\n"
"formatted": "@brief This is class C - class C has a long comment\n\nVivamus integer non suscipit taciti mus etiam at primis tempor sagittis sit,\neuismod libero facilisi aptent elementum felis blandit cursus gravida sociis\nerat ante, eleifend lectus nullam dapibus netus feugiat curae curabitur est\nad.",
"paragraph": [
" \n",
" Vivamus integer non suscipit taciti mus etiam at primis tempor sagittis sit,\n euismod libero facilisi aptent elementum felis blandit cursus gravida sociis\n erat ante, eleifend lectus nullam dapibus netus feugiat curae curabitur est\n ad.\n"
"raw": "/// @brief This is class C - class C has a long comment\n///\n/// Vivamus integer non suscipit taciti mus etiam at primis tempor sagittis sit,\n/// euismod libero facilisi aptent elementum felis blandit cursus gravida sociis\n/// erat ante, eleifend lectus nullam dapibus netus feugiat curae curabitur est\n/// ad.",
"text": "\n \n\n Vivamus integer non suscipit taciti mus etiam at primis tempor sagittis sit,\n euismod libero facilisi aptent elementum felis blandit cursus gravida sociis\n erat ante, eleifend lectus nullam dapibus netus feugiat curae curabitur est\n ad.\n"
"display_name": "C",
"id": "9139995436788700062",
"is_abstract": false,
"is_nested": false,
"is_struct": false,
"is_template": false,
"is_union": false,
"members": [],
"methods": [
"access": "public",
"comment": {
"formatted": "Do nothing unless override is provided",
"paragraph": [
" Do nothing unless override is provided\n"
"raw": "/// Do nothing unless override is provided",
"text": "\n Do nothing unless override is provided\n"
"display_name": "foo_c",
"is_const": false,
"is_consteval": false,
"is_constexpr": false,
"is_constructor": false,
"is_copy_assignment": false,
"is_coroutine": false,
"is_defaulted": false,
"is_deleted": false,
"is_move_assignment": false,
"is_noexcept": false,
"is_operator": false,
"is_pure_virtual": false,
"is_static": false,
"is_virtual": true,
"name": "foo_c",
"parameters": [],
"source_location": {
"column": 18,
"file": "",
"line": 30,
"translation_unit": ""
"template_parameters": [],
"type": "void"
"name": "C",
"namespace": "clanguml::t00002",
"source_location": {
"column": 7,
"file": "",
"line": 27,
"translation_unit": ""
"template_parameters": [],
"type": "class"
"bases": [
"access": "public",
"id": "4753875669499007606",
"is_virtual": false
"access": "public",
"id": "9139995436788700062",
"is_virtual": false
"comment": {
"formatted": "This is class D\nwhich is a little like B\nand a little like C",
"paragraph": [
" This is class D\n which is a little like B\n and a little like C\n"
"raw": "/// This is class D\n/// which is a little like B\n/// and a little like C",
"text": "\n This is class D\n which is a little like B\n and a little like C\n"
"display_name": "D",
"id": "487603959843317797",
"is_abstract": false,
"is_nested": false,
"is_struct": false,
"is_template": false,
"is_union": false,
"members": [
"access": "private",
"comment": {
"formatted": "All the A pointers",
"paragraph": [
" All the A pointers\n"
"raw": "/// All the A pointers",
"text": "\n All the A pointers\n"
"is_static": false,
"name": "as",
"source_location": {
"column": 22,
"file": "",
"line": 58,
"translation_unit": ""
"type": "std::vector<A *>"
"methods": [
"access": "public",
"comment": {
"formatted": "\n Forward foo_a\n ",
"paragraph": [
" Forward foo_a\n"
"raw": "/**\n * Forward foo_a\n */",
"text": "\n Forward foo_a\n"
"display_name": "foo_a",
"is_const": false,
"is_consteval": false,
"is_constexpr": false,
"is_constructor": false,
"is_copy_assignment": false,
"is_coroutine": false,
"is_defaulted": false,
"is_deleted": false,
"is_move_assignment": false,
"is_noexcept": false,
"is_operator": false,
"is_pure_virtual": false,
"is_static": false,
"is_virtual": true,
"name": "foo_a",
"parameters": [],
"source_location": {
"column": 10,
"file": "",
"line": 41,
"translation_unit": ""
"template_parameters": [],
"type": "void"
"access": "public",
"comment": {
"formatted": "\n Forward foo_c\n ",
"paragraph": [
" Forward foo_c\n"
"raw": "/**\n * Forward foo_c\n */",
"text": "\n Forward foo_c\n"
"display_name": "foo_c",
"is_const": false,
"is_consteval": false,
"is_constexpr": false,
"is_constructor": false,
"is_copy_assignment": false,
"is_coroutine": false,
"is_defaulted": false,
"is_deleted": false,
"is_move_assignment": false,
"is_noexcept": false,
"is_operator": false,
"is_pure_virtual": false,
"is_static": false,
"is_virtual": true,
"name": "foo_c",
"parameters": [],
"source_location": {
"column": 10,
"file": "",
"line": 50,
"translation_unit": ""
"template_parameters": [],
"type": "void"
"name": "D",
"namespace": "clanguml::t00002",
"source_location": {
"column": 7,
"file": "",
"line": 36,
"translation_unit": ""
"template_parameters": [],
"type": "class"
"bases": [
"access": "public",
"id": "4753875669499007606",
"is_virtual": true
"access": "public",
"id": "9139995436788700062",
"is_virtual": true
"display_name": "E",
"id": "17903093362471729766",
"is_abstract": false,
"is_nested": false,
"is_struct": false,
"is_template": false,
"is_union": false,
"members": [
"access": "private",
"comment": {
"formatted": "All the A pointers",
"paragraph": [
" All the A pointers\n"
"raw": "/// All the A pointers",
"text": "\n All the A pointers\n"
"is_static": false,
"name": "as",
"source_location": {
"column": 22,
"file": "",
"line": 83,
"translation_unit": ""
"type": "std::vector<A *>"
"methods": [
"access": "public",
"comment": {
"formatted": "\n Forward foo_a",
"paragraph": [
" Forward foo_a\n"
"raw": "///\n /// Forward foo_a\n ///",
"text": "\n Forward foo_a\n"
"display_name": "foo_a",
"is_const": false,
"is_consteval": false,
"is_constexpr": false,
"is_constructor": false,
"is_copy_assignment": false,
"is_coroutine": false,
"is_defaulted": false,
"is_deleted": false,
"is_move_assignment": false,
"is_noexcept": false,
"is_operator": false,
"is_pure_virtual": false,
"is_static": false,
"is_virtual": true,
"name": "foo_a",
"parameters": [],
"source_location": {
"column": 10,
"file": "",
"line": 66,
"translation_unit": ""
"template_parameters": [],
"type": "void"
"access": "public",
"comment": {
"formatted": "\n Forward foo_c",
"paragraph": [
" Forward foo_c\n"
"raw": "///\n /// Forward foo_c\n ///",
"text": "\n Forward foo_c\n"
"display_name": "foo_c",
"is_const": false,
"is_consteval": false,
"is_constexpr": false,
"is_constructor": false,
"is_copy_assignment": false,
"is_coroutine": false,
"is_defaulted": false,
"is_deleted": false,
"is_move_assignment": false,
"is_noexcept": false,
"is_operator": false,
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"title": "Basic class diagram example",
"using_namespace": "clanguml::t00002"